Periphery Wellness Group

Periphery Wellness Group (PWG) is dedicated to offering wellness and mindfulness strategies, modalities, and education to historically marginalized communities. By empowering individuals with tools and knowledge, PWG aims to help these communities enhance their social capacity and improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and various community groups. Through a holistic approach, PWG addresses the unique needs and challenges faced by marginalized populations, promoting self-awareness, resilience, and collective empowerment. By fostering a culture of wellness and mindfulness, PWG strives to create positive and sustainable change within these communities, ultimately promoting greater equity, well-being, and social capacity.

Sessions will be offered multiple times throughout the year

Healing Circle Facilitator Trainings

  • Periphery Circle Training – an interactive training that provides an overview of how to host a general healing circle. It is designed for participants to increase their awareness as the facilitator, guide, and build their skill as circle host and to deepen understanding of Circle process, a dialogue exchange within the physical shape of a circle. Circle is a safe place for participants to connect over shared experiences, process and explore ways to alleviate the effects of trauma-induced suffering. We use the Circle process to resolve conflict, and practice respectful communication strategies to discuss various topics and with differing perspectives.


  • Leveraging Vulnerability – We will delve into the power of vulnerability. Vulnerability fosters empathy and compassion, both towards oneself and others who have experienced similar challenges. It creates opportunities for genuine connection and solidarity, enabling individuals to build stronger support networks and communities. Ultimately, we will view vulnerability as a strength that reframes the narrative around trauma, emphasizing resilience, courage, and the capacity for growth. It invites individuals to embrace their humanity fully and to recognize that their struggles do not define them but rather contribute to their strength and resilience.


  • Transmuting Trauma through Art – a comprehensive program designed to help individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to harness the power of artistic expression for processing, healing, and transforming traumatic experiences. This training offers a unique approach to trauma recovery by integrating art therapy principles with trauma-informed care practices. Participants in this training will gain a deeper understanding of trauma and its effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Participants will walk away with accessible art techniques and mediums to offset the effects of trauma.


Healing Circle Facilitator Trainings: March 22

  • Periphery Circle Training – an interactive training that provides an overview of how to host a general healing circle. It is designed for participants to increase their awareness as the facilitator, guide, and build their skill as circle host and to deepen understanding of Circle process, a dialogue exchange within the physical shape of a circle. Circle is a safe place for participants to connect over shared experiences, process and explore ways to alleviate the effects of trauma induced suffering. We use the Circle process to resolve conflict, practice respectful communication strategies to discuss various topics and with differing perspectives.
  • Leveraging Vulnerability – We will delve into the power of vulnerability. Vulnerability fosters empathy and compassion, both towards oneself and others who have experienced similar challenges. It creates opportunities for genuine connection and solidarity, enabling individuals to build stronger support networks and communities.Ultimately, we will view vulnerability as a strength reframes the narrative around trauma, emphasizing resilience, courage, and the capacity for growth. It invites individuals to embrace their humanity fully and to recognize that their struggles do not define them but rather contribute to their strength and resilience.
  • Transmuting Trauma through Art – a comprehensive program designed to help individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to harness the power of artistic expression for processing, healing, and transforming traumatic experiences. This training offers a unique approach to trauma recovery by integrating art therapy principles with trauma-informed care practices. Participants in this training will gain a deeper understanding of trauma and its effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Participants will walk away with accessible art techniques and mediums to offset the effects of trauma.

Date & Time:

March 22, 9-3pm

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Healing Circle Facilitator Trainings: April 19

  • Periphery Circle Training – an interactive training that provides an overview of how to host a general healing circle. It is designed for participants to increase their awareness as the facilitator, guide, and build their skill as circle host and to deepen understanding of Circle process, a dialogue exchange within the physical shape of a circle. Circle is a safe place for participants to connect over shared experiences, process and explore ways to alleviate the effects of trauma induced suffering. We use the Circle process to resolve conflict, practice respectful communication strategies to discuss various topics and with differing perspectives.

Date & Time:

April 19, 9-3pm

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Healing Circle Facilitator Trainings: June 12

  • Periphery Circle Training – an interactive training that provides an overview of how to host a general healing circle. It is designed for participants to increase their awareness as the facilitator, guide, and build their skill as circle host and to deepen understanding of Circle process, a dialogue exchange within the physical shape of a circle. Circle is a safe place for participants to connect over shared experiences, process and explore ways to alleviate the effects of trauma induced suffering. We use the Circle process to resolve conflict, practice respectful communication strategies to discuss various topics and with differing perspectives.

Date & Time:

June 12, 9-3pm

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Healing Circle Facilitator Trainings: July 12

  • Periphery Circle Training – an interactive training that provides an overview of how to host a general healing circle. It is designed for participants to increase their awareness as the facilitator, guide, and build their skill as circle host and to deepen understanding of Circle process, a dialogue exchange within the physical shape of a circle. Circle is a safe place for participants to connect over shared experiences, process and explore ways to alleviate the effects of trauma induced suffering. We use the Circle process to resolve conflict, practice respectful communication strategies to discuss various topics and with differing perspectives.

Date & Time:

July 12, 9-3pm

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Healing Circle Facilitator Trainings: September 4

  • Periphery Circle Training – an interactive training that provides an overview of how to host a general healing circle. It is designed for participants to increase their awareness as the facilitator, guide, and build their skill as circle host and to deepen understanding of Circle process, a dialogue exchange within the physical shape of a circle. Circle is a safe place for participants to connect over shared experiences, process and explore ways to alleviate the effects of trauma induced suffering. We use the Circle process to resolve conflict, practice respectful communication strategies to discuss various topics and with differing perspectives.

Date & Time:

September 4, 9-3pm

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Healing Circle Facilitator Trainings: November 8

  • Periphery Circle Training – an interactive training that provides an overview of how to host a general healing circle. It is designed for participants to increase their awareness as the facilitator, guide, and build their skill as circle host and to deepen understanding of Circle process, a dialogue exchange within the physical shape of a circle. Circle is a safe place for participants to connect over shared experiences, process and explore ways to alleviate the effects of trauma induced suffering. We use the Circle process to resolve conflict, practice respectful communication strategies to discuss various topics and with differing perspectives.

Date & Time:

November 8, 9-3pm

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Leveraging Vulnerability: April 26

  • Leveraging Vulnerability – We will delve into the power of vulnerability. Vulnerability fosters empathy and compassion, both towards oneself and others who have experienced similar challenges. It creates opportunities for genuine connection and solidarity, enabling individuals to build stronger support networks and communities.Ultimately, we will view vulnerability as a strength reframes the narrative around trauma, emphasizing resilience, courage, and the capacity for growth. It invites individuals to embrace their humanity fully and to recognize that their struggles do not define them but rather contribute to their strength and resilience.

Date & Time:

April 26, 9-12pm

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Transmuting Trauma Through Art: July 26

  • Transmuting Trauma through Art – a comprehensive program designed to help individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to harness the power of artistic expression for processing, healing, and transforming traumatic experiences. This training offers a unique approach to trauma recovery by integrating art therapy principles with trauma-informed care practices. Participants in this training will gain a deeper understanding of trauma and its effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Participants will walk away with accessible art techniques and mediums to offset the effects of trauma.

Date & Time:

July 26, 9-12pm

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Transmuting Trauma Through Art: June 21

  • Transmuting Trauma through Art – a comprehensive program designed to help individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to harness the power of artistic expression for processing, healing, and transforming traumatic experiences. This training offers a unique approach to trauma recovery by integrating art therapy principles with trauma-informed care practices. Participants in this training will gain a deeper understanding of trauma and its effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Participants will walk away with accessible art techniques and mediums to offset the effects of trauma.

Date & Time:

June 21, 9-12pm

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Leveraging Vulnerability: September 18

  • Leveraging Vulnerability – We will delve into the power of vulnerability. Vulnerability fosters empathy and compassion, both towards oneself and others who have experienced similar challenges. It creates opportunities for genuine connection and solidarity, enabling individuals to build stronger support networks and communities.Ultimately, we will view vulnerability as a strength reframes the narrative around trauma, emphasizing resilience, courage, and the capacity for growth. It invites individuals to embrace their humanity fully and to recognize that their struggles do not define them but rather contribute to their strength and resilience.

Date & Time:

September 18, 9-12pm

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Leveraging Vulnerability: July 16

  • Leveraging Vulnerability – We will delve into the power of vulnerability. Vulnerability fosters empathy and compassion, both towards oneself and others who have experienced similar challenges. It creates opportunities for genuine connection and solidarity, enabling individuals to build stronger support networks and communities.Ultimately, we will view vulnerability as a strength reframes the narrative around trauma, emphasizing resilience, courage, and the capacity for growth. It invites individuals to embrace their humanity fully and to recognize that their struggles do not define them but rather contribute to their strength and resilience.

Date & Time:

July 16, 9-12pm

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Transmuting Trauma Through Art: November 13

  • Transmuting Trauma through Art – a comprehensive program designed to help individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to harness the power of artistic expression for processing, healing, and transforming traumatic experiences. This training offers a unique approach to trauma recovery by integrating art therapy principles with trauma-informed care practices. Participants in this training will gain a deeper understanding of trauma and its effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Participants will walk away with accessible art techniques and mediums to offset the effects of trauma.

Date & Time:

November 13, 9-12pm

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Instructor: India Andrews

India Andrews is an eternal student with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a profound passion for sharing it through the art of teaching. With over a decade of experience in education, she has traversed both alternative and traditional settings, honing expertise and insights along the way. The journey to becoming the founder of Periphery Wellness Group (PWG) was sparked by India's realization of the lack of resources available to peripheral groups striving to enhance social capacity. PWG, under India's guidance, focuses on five core tenets of wellness: Intellectual/Occupational, Social, Emotional, Physical, and Environmental. For India, personal wellness has been a transformative educational journey in itself. Through PWG, India seeks to extend this transformative experience to marginalized communities, driven by an inherent mission to promote health and wellness. Passionate about being in service to both local and global communities, she embraces the role of a wellness partner, deeply committed to fostering innovation and heart-centered education among students, families, staff, and community stakeholders alike.

Instructor: Luis Morales

My name is Luis Morales and I am from South Central Los Angeles; a collective of experiences, quotes, jokes and actions that have supported the current version of the work I am proud to share with the community.

I was born into service. From yelling into a megaphone at a peace march to helping clean the parks to peer to peer mentorship, I was always involved with people helping people. The individuals who became mentors took me under their wing and showed the importance of hard work, integrity and doing good without expectation of anything in return.

Playing sports my entire life added to the intensity of achieving the goal. The importance of collective effort and the sharpening of the individual’s skills to contribute to victory are what motivate the work in its present version. As a father, a husband, a son, a brother, a nephew, a lifelong student and wellness practitioner, it is my duty to work towards the best version of me for myself and people.